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Domain 3: Instruction

The components within Domain 3 of the Danielson Framework are the foundations of what teaching is: teaching the content of one's subject area while engaging the students in the curriculum. An effective teacher should be communicating their expectations and material in a clear and concise manner, incorporating questioning and dialogue within their lessons, giving their students feedback, have the ability to be flexible and adaptable, and creating fun and engaging lessons for their students.

3a, 3b, 3c, 3d

3a (Communicating with Students), 3b (Using Questioning & Discussion

3c (Engaging Students in Learning), 3d (Using Assessment in Instruction)

Lesson Plans

The following are a couple of the lesson plans for lessons in which my students remained very engaged throughout and that the material resonated with them.

Classroom Activities & Instructional Materials

Student Work Samples

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